StepAhead Educational Consultant
GET THE COMPETITIVE EDGE  to the College Admissions Process!
Create the life you have always dreamed of!
Patricia Simms-Pietrzak is an international professional, educational 
and professional development coach, author, speaker and mentor. 
She is also the founder of StepAhead Educational Consultants and 
PatriciaSage Life Coaching International. She has appeared on various 
stages to share her life’s philosophy on how to create a successful 
life/business while manifesting one’s ultimate dream, including 
Women Rocking Business international business conferences, and 
the highly acclaimed podcast, On the Edge with April Mahoney. 
She is currently in production of her new podcast, Fiercely Uncommon, 
that will complement the Fiercely series of books she is authoring on 
living life on your own terms and without fear. 

What is my formal experience?
I use my graduate-level academia experiences in business, counseling and education, combined with professional certifications in professional development and educational coaching, meditation and mindfulness coaching, and various teaching credentials as my foundation; I use my successful career as an entrepreneur with over 27 years experience in the field of counseling adults, teens and corporate employees in higher education, career planning, team-building, adventure leadership, and mental health as my guide. Additionally, I use my skills in public speaking and outreach, curriculum development, travel planning, and teaching, along with a 30-year yoga, breath-work, and meditation practice as my source of inspiration. 

Trish says that what inspired her the most to become a coach and writer are the life experiences and personal transformations over her lifetime. She jokes that what she has gone through could shudder anyone in their boots! Her unshakable beliefs come from a pivotal moment many years ago when she became aware of repetitive patterns and outcomes that she didn’t want for her life. When she chose to shift her perspective and let go of old beliefs put on her by others, her life dramatically changed. As a coach, she draws on these experiences and believes there is no shortage of abundance. This is how she mentors her clients offering them a pathway forward into the life they desire. Her specialty is working with Gen Z and Millennials in crafting their creative dream careers; coaching women to step into the bountiful and desirable life they yearn for; and, mentoring and advocating for high school and college students in achieving their upper educational endeavors. Her successful career of over 20+ years has led her clients to live extraordinary and engaging lives that they once thought were not possible. 

“My life has been a journey that feels like a thousand micro-lives, 
an adventure along a road worth traveling. It has been both rewarding 
and challenging, joyous and disheartening, fulfilling, and at times unfulfilling. 
I would not change any of my experiences because I deeply trust that 
where I am at today is solely because I chose to keep learning, moving 
forward and believing that I am deserving of the life I wish to live,” 
comments Trish. As her clients can corroborate, Trish is committed to 
bringing huge life changes to all her clients in ways that transform what
they have already experienced to what they want to experience. 

When not writing or working with her clients, Trish enjoys spending time in  
the great outdoors of Central Oregon, cooking, and gardening alongside the 
companionship of her Pitti-mix pup, Tiggy. She also goes back to her home 
state of California to visit her son and his partner as much as possible, 
and is a soon-to-be grandma! 

Professional, Educational and Personal Development Coaching